Of all the times that I walked the long road,
It is now, that I feel so lone.
Many-a-day have I spent beneath the bright sun
with only the length of my shadow marked all along.
Yet it is now that I feel so lone.
And when they came, along life's twisting lane,
and their shadows touched mine,
I wished -
that I wouldn't be alone.
And for all those shadows that slipped away,
and the waves that didn't care to stay,
I realize –
that I am alone.
And for all that I've ever wanted,
Being me is all that was granted,
And as the length of my life stretches on,
This too, I shall walk alone!
-- Moi.
this is soo nice da! the poem and the picture compliment each other perfectly...
He he he..thankie thankie :P
this poem is amazing. i can see NO i can feel the loneliness expressed thru ur words. it has a spectacular blend of emotion and nature. keep up the good work bro. and do write more, coz writing is a gift and u fortunate to have it in u.
Thanks Chikku :)
I am speechless..........
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